5 Signs of High Potassium

Potassium is a vital element in our bodies. This element is responsible for regulating most movements, fluid b...

2 min read

Foods to Avoid While Eating Out with Breast Cancer

Making good dietary choices while being treated for breast cancer reduces any further chances of weakening the...

2 min read

Dietary and Lifestyle Tips to Manage Diabetic Neuropathy

The kidneys filter toxins from the blood and pass them into the bladder, after which the clean blood flows bac...

2 min read

10 Herbs Beneficial for Migraines

A migraine attack can be very intense and painful. They may also make a person unable to perform their daily c...

2 min read

Cold and Flu – Home Remedies and Precautions

People with a strong immune system are rarely affected by cold and flu, but those with weak immunity can frequ...

2 min read

Lifestyle Changes to Manage ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that often begins in childhood and continues in...

2 min read

Foods to Manage Acid Reflux and GERD Naturally

Acid reflux is a condition in which the natural digestive acids secreted in the stomach during the digestive p...

2 min read

Early Signs and Symptoms of Pediatric Sleep Apnea

When breathing is partially or completely blocked, frequently, even for a brief amount of time, while one slee...

2 min read

Foods to Avoid when Traveling with Type 2 Diabetes

If one is suffering from type 2 diabetes, they need to be careful about their diet too, apart from taking the ...

2 min read
