Foods to Reduce the Risk of Stomach Cancer

Foods to Reduce the Risk of Stomach Cancer

An anticancer diet is a step in the right direction to keep stomach cancer at bay. Knowing the risk factors within our control such as genetic disorders or addictions is an important first step. Research states that foods that may contribute to cancer must be avoided to help prevent the deadly disease. Although meal planning and food selection are not enough to keep stomach cancer at bay, good food choices can certainly help reduce the risks associated with the disease.

Once cancer is detected, it follows a specific line of treatment that has raised the probability of survival for patients. Since evidence shows that the food we eat influences the risks of developing cancer; hence, diet plays a crucial role in warding off the risks of stomach cancer. However, in addition to eating healthy, it is important to pay attention to the body. Regular medical checks and diagnosis are needed to stay on top of your health.

Let’s see which foods may contribute to cancer and how they can be avoided in our daily dietary habits:

Cured meat
These meats are processed and preserved using salting techniques to prolong shelf life. Foods such as ham, bacon, salami, pastrami, hot dogs, and some sausages are some examples. Since these meats undergo a lot of chemical changes before being packed, there is a greater chance of developing stomach cancer if consumed in higher quantities.

Smoked meat
Research shows that a higher number of stomach cancer cases have been recorded in areas where smoked meat is consumed as a dietary staple. The methods adopted to cook these meats at high temperatures make them prone to increased cancer risks.

Pickled vegetables
Since these foods are artificially processed using salting techniques such as pickled vegetables or dried fish, their nutritional content reduces drastically.

Junk food
Foods that contain refined carbs and sugar must be avoided to reduce risks associated with stomach cancer. Foods high in artificial sugar tend to raise glucose levels and insulin, thought to be risk factors for cancer. Soft drinks, cakes, burgers, pizzas are foods that may contribute to cancer.

Tobacco increases the risk of several types of cancer, such as stomach cancer, by affecting the organs closest to the stomach. Thus, tobacco consumption must be avoided.

Drinking three or more alcoholic drinks per day
According to the National Institutes of Health, a regular drink is either 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits. Beyond these limits, alcohol consumption increases the risk of stomach cancer.
