Cold and Flu – Home Remedies and Precautions

Cold and Flu – Home Remedies and Precautions

People with a strong immune system are rarely affected by cold and flu, but those with weak immunity can frequently fall ill. You must take precautions if you’re part of the latter group, especially when the weather changes and during the colder months when viruses spread faster than other times.

Children below the age of 6 years are at higher risk of getting cold/flu, and so are the elderly. Additionally, smoking and being in an air-conditioned environment can worsen the symptoms. Also, the chances of getting infected are higher if you stay or work with many people, so it is very important to take precautions. Following some precautionary measures can help prevent getting a cold or flu, but treatment is also necessary if you have a cold or the flu.

Natural remedies for cold and flu
If you have a cold or flu, you can treat yourself at home and only need to consult a doctor if the symptoms worsen or if you have a high fever. Along with over-the-counter and prescribed medication, some natural remedies for cold and flu are equally effective for treating and curing the condition. Besides, there’s no fear of side effects with natural remedies. The natural remedies for cold and flu listed below can help you treat yourself at home:

  • Consume raw garlic or add it to your food (2-3 pods).
  • Make tea with ginger and honey as it is extremely helpful in providing relief from the symptoms of cough and cold.
  • Add salt to warm water and gargle frequently to relieve a sore throat and remove the virus.
  • An effective natural remedy for cold and flu is to add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to boiling water and inhale the steam to relieve the symptoms of a cold.
  • Drink warm fluids like herbal or green tea and take sufficient rest for a quick recovery.

Precautions to avoid cold and flu
The following are some of the precautions you can take so that you don’t catch a cold or the flu:

  • When there is an epidemic and you are at risk, wear a surgical face mask for good protection. On the other hand, if you have a cold/flu, wear a mask to prevent spreading it to others.
  • Hygiene is very important, so wash your hands using soap and water or use a sanitizer, especially before you eat or drink. After you come into contact with other people, use a sanitizer before touching your face.
  • Don’t share water and food (or use common utensils) as the flu and cold virus can spread through food and water.
  • Use tissues when you cough or sneeze and throw away used tissues. If you don’t have a tissue cough/sneeze into the elbow bend to ensure that you don’t touch your mouth or nose when you sneeze.
  • Keeping warm and ensuring hydration with fluids, exercising regularly, and following a healthy diet comprising fruits and vegetables can boost immunity.
