Deep Vein Thrombosis – Risk Factors and Preventive Measures

Deep Vein Thrombosis – Risk Factors and Preventive Measures

A chronic condition in which blood clots are formed in deep veins of the body, especially legs is called deep vein thrombosis. This condition is often caused due to immobility, injury, surgery or side effects of certain medications. It also affects the blood circulation in the body. Increased blood pressure breaks the blood clot, which travels to the lungs to form a serious condition called pulmonary embolism. Deep vein thrombosis early warning symptoms can be avoided by taking adequate prevention.

Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis
In deep vein thrombosis, early warning symptoms include

  • Swelling and discoloration of the affected leg.
  • Severe pain in calf muscles.
  • The affected leg always feels warmer.

If symptoms are ignored, the condition could worsen and lead to a pulmonary embolism. This is a severe condition and needs immediate medical help. Symptoms of Pulmonary Embolism are

  • Irregular and rapid heartbeat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Unable to breathe deeply due to chest pain
  • Coughing up blood
  • Episodes of fainting due to low blood pressure
  • Signs of anxiety

Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis
The risk of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism can be prevented by taking the following steps:

  • Manage healthy body weight
  • Eat a complete diet filled with all necessary nutrients that include fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Stay active and exercise regularly. Regular workout for 30 mins a day keeps your body healthy in many ways.
  • Get a regular checkup done if DVT runs in the family.

Here are some useful tips to avoid blood clots during traveling:

  • Stretch your legs during long flights to avoid blood clots.
  • While traveling seated for a long time, seated leg exercises can ease the condition.
  • Compression stockings should be used by individuals suffering from varicose veins.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated

Risk Factors Associated with Early Warning Symptoms
Some of the common risk factors associated with DVT and its early warning symptoms are

  • Heredity Conditions
    This condition could be a genetic disorder passed on from ancestors. Blood clots in these conditions are formed due to the combination of 2 or more risk factors.
  • Bed Rest for a Longer Period
    If an individual has been on bed rest for a longer time due to injury, stroke or any other sickness, blood clots are formed in their calf muscles. This is due to poor blood circulation.
  • Pregnancy
    The pressure on the leg and pelvic veins is increased during pregnancy. This condition should gradually go down after delivery, however, women with inherited clotting problems are at higher risk.
  • Oral Contraceptives or Hormone Replacement Therapy
    All of these pills increase the chances of a blood clot in the body.
  • Obesity
    Excess weight on the body develops pressure on legs and pelvic veins.
  • Smoking
    Smoking is injurious and enhances the chances of blood clots in the body.
  • Age
    Individuals above the age of 60 are at higher risk.
  • Cancer
    Some cancer treatments and types of cancer increase the chances of blood clots in the body.
  • Being Seated for Long Hours
    If you are in an occupation that requires you to be seated for long hours, you are at a high risk of developing deep vein thrombosis. This condition is often seen in individuals who work as drivers or pilots.
