Foods to Avoid for Better Oral Health

Foods to Avoid for Better Oral Health

Maintaining healthy gums does not have to be difficult if you know some easy gum care tips for ensuring better oral health. Tooth decay is the result of eating the wrong kinds of foods and not practicing good oral hygiene. Bacteria tend to accumulate in our mouth and continue to feed on the sugary drinks or starchy foods consumed. The plaque build-up produces acids, which wear away the enamel, causing cavities. The bacteria present in the plaque around the gums release toxic products, which then make an entry into the gum tissues and cause gingivitis. When left unchecked, it becomes a very serious disease called periodontitis and leads to tissue and bone loss in and around the teeth.

So, you just need to adopt some regular teeth and gum care tips and make some changes to your diet for better oral health:

  • While regular candies are equally bad, sour candies release acids that have worse effects on your teeth. Besides, sour candies are chewy and tend to stick to the teeth, leading to faster and more severe tooth decay. It is better to have chocolates when you have a craving for sweets, but ensure that you brush afterward.
  • You would not consider eliminating bread from your diet to ensure good oral health. However, the truth is that when you chew it, the saliva breaks down this starchy food into sugar, and the bread becomes like a gummy substance that tends to stick in between the teeth. This is a common cause of tooth decay. For bread lovers, it is better to opt for the whole-wheat variety as it has less sugar.
  • Drinking alcohol is never good for health, and certainly not for your teeth and gums. One of the best gum care tips for better oral health is to cut down on alcohol consumption as it leads to dry mouth. Saliva is necessary to keep our teeth healthy as it removes the food particles that get stuck between the teeth. It can also repair tooth decay in the initial stages and several gum problems. To ensure that your mouth is well hydrated, you must drink lots of water and other fluids.
  • All carbonated drinks are a complete no-no when it comes to oral hygiene as they contain added sugar. So, they cause the formation and buildup of plaque and release more acids that can attack your teeth. Dark-colored sodas are worse as they also stain the teeth. Additionally, you should not brush your teeth right after drinking sodas as this hastens the decay.
  • Ice may contain water but chewing on it is very harmful to the teeth. Ice is hard and can damage your teeth enamel, leading to chipping or cracking.
  • Citrus fruits like grapefruits, oranges, and lemons are delicious but have high acid content that erodes teeth enamel. So, consume them in moderation during meals and rinse your mouth properly afterward.
