The Early Warning Signs of UTI

The Early Warning Signs of UTI

A urinary tract infection is also called a bladder infection and can affect any part of the urinary system. While some cases are acute and occur suddenly, others can be chronic and recur over a long term. It is mainly diagnosed in people with a weak immune system. The body tends to flush out bacteria during urination, however, sometimes it can linger on to the walls of the bladder via the urethra and multiplies in the bladder. The condition is more common in women than in men.

Being aware of the early warning signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI) will enable one to avail treatment in time, avoiding unwanted consequences. Here are some of the things to look out for:

Burning sensation
The inflammation causes your tissues to become extremely sensitive and causes a feeling of burning. Even before you start to pee, there will be a burning or tingling sensation that causes an urge to visit the bathroom.

Pain or pressure in the lower abdomen or at the back
Persistent pain in the lower abdomen that doesn’t seem to go away is one of the early warning signs of UTI. The pain starts with the inflammation of the bladder as it attempts to fight the infection. Often, there will be a dull ache or cramps. You will also experience pressure on your pelvic region with frequent and painful urination. The bladder infection can cause the bacteria to spread to your kidneys and lead to a dull pain in the lower back region. It’s accompanied by fever, chills, and vomiting.

Very less control over your bladder
It is annoying and embarrassing to feel like you constantly want to go to the washroom. The pain caused by inflammation can make the urge to pee extremely strong with very less control over the bladder.

Blood in urine
You will experience hematuria, the presence of blood with dark-colored clots in the urine. It’s a side-effect of a serious bladder infection and is caused by a leakage of red blood cells from the kidneys or other parts of the urinary tract. Inflammation of the kidneys is the prime cause for this condition.

Painful urination
One of the most common early warning signs of UTI is experiencing harsh pain while peeing. This may often be accompanied by a sharp burning sensation. It’s particularly common in women and is a sign of cystitis or urethritis.

Feeling ill all the time accompanied by chills
When you have a UTI, you will feel very ill and experience prolonged amounts of chillness and nausea. While this can be a disturbing condition in the case of bladder infections, it’s very serious in the case of kidney infections.

While medication and other treatments can help, you can also follow some proven steps by yourself to reduce the chances of or avoid getting UTIs in the first place.

Preventive measures

  • Drink lots of liquids, especially water and fruit juices.
  • Wipe from front to back after urinating and after a bowel movement.
  • Pass urine immediately after intercourse.
  • Avoid fragrant-heavy feminine hygiene products.
  • Make alterations to birth control methods.
