Proven Tips for a Better Sleep

Proven Tips for a Better Sleep

Getting quality sleep can be interrupted by so many things—snoring, kids waking up, cars going by, thoughts of stressors that keep you up. Many factors play into a good night’s rest, and getting a good sleep is essential to our health and well-being. What’s more, there are many sleep disorders or issues one may deal with, such as sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, and more. Luckily, if you’re struggling from something bigger than tossing and turning every couple nights, there are treatments and medications that can help, like Sunosi. Sleep disorder or not, it’s imperative that you take the steps to get a good night’s sleep. Here’s some proven tips that will help you sleep better:

1. Exercise regularly

It has been shown that exercising during the day helps stimulate sleepiness at night, allowing you to fall asleep quicker and easier and get a good rest. In turn, a good sleep helps you exercise better the next day—it’s a win-win!

2. Create a calm, dark, and quiet environment

Nothing makes you more ready for bed than a welcoming environment that helps you wind down at night. Make sure your room is dark (try blackout curtains), you have a fan, white noise machine, or peaceful nature sounds blocking out external noise like traffic, keep the temperature in your room at a good degree, and try using an essential oil diffuser to fill your room with a relaxing scent.

3. Get rid of screens before bed

We all do it—that scroll through social media before bed or binge watching your favorite show on your laptop. It’s another way to relax and wind down at the end of a long day; however, the blue light coming from your electronic devices is interfering with your quality of sleep. At least an hour before bed, put away all devices and try reading, meditating, or another calming activity that will prepare you for sleep.

4. Decrease long naps

While short naps can boost energy and be very healthy, longer naps can have a negative on your sleep later that night. If you’re a nap lover, don’t confuse your internal clock—try to keep naps to a maximum of 30 minutes.

5. Try melatonin or other supplements

Melatonin is an essential sleep hormone, and some opt to take it as a supplement for sleep aid. Taking a melatonin supplement helps you fall asleep faster, improves sleep quality, and improves energy for the next day. Other supplements that have similar benefits include magnesium, lavender, valerian root, and glycine. It would be valuable to talk to your doctor before starting a supplement to see what would work best for you.
