Simple Breakfasts for Ulcerative Colitis

Simple Breakfasts for Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcers are sores that are painful and very uncomfortable to manage. Ulcerative colitis is a condition that causes the formation of sores in the innermost lining of the large intestine. This inflammation and formation of sores can result in abdominal pain, rectal pain, weight loss, and the inability to eat spicy or hot food.

It is very important to choose the right food when you have this condition. Non-spicy and anti-inflammatory food items can reduce the discomfort caused by the sores and even heal the condition with time. Here are a few smart breakfast dietary tips for ulcerative colitis that you can follow easily.

Yogurt smoothie
Yogurt is a wonderful food that will keep your stomach cool and refreshed in the morning. One of the best dietary tips for ulcerative colitis is to start your day with a simple, yet filling meal, which will help you power through the day easily. You can blend a handful of bananas or berries with a cup of yogurt to make a smoothie and add a spoonful of honey to that if you want.

Scrambled eggs
Another easy, yet filling breakfast option that does not aggravate your ulcers is scrambled egg. You can scramble eggs with some cheese and enjoy this simple delicacy. If you are looking for something sweet to go with the eggs, you can add a banana to the meal.

Keeping it simple is the best dietary tip for ulcerative colitis when it comes to breakfast. Adding a lot of ingredients and spices and herbs can make your condition worse. Oatmeal is a good choice for the first meal of the day that you can make in a matter of minutes. You can make oatmeal porridge even tastier by adding some freshly cut fruit to it. You can choose to sweeten this with maple syrup or honey.

Fruit bowl
This is a very easy breakfast option that is also cool and comfortable on the stomach. Cut all your favorite fruits the day before and store them in the fridge. Then in the morning, all you need to do is to top the bowl with some fresh cottage cheese and enjoy this delicious goodness.

Avocados are rich in fat and healthy calories. One of the most useful dietary tips for ulcerative colitis is that if you are losing weight, make avocadoes a part of your daily diet. There are so many ways you can include this wonder fruit in your breakfast regime! You can add them to a blender with some berries to make a smoothie or have them as a side to your scrambled eggs. Avocados can also be enjoyed all through the day as an instant and filling snack.

Take some time to plan your breakfast. When you get this meal right, you will be able to begin the day happily and pain-free. Pick up all the useful dietary tips for ulcerative colitis mentioned here and kick start your day with energy and happiness.
