The Side Effects of Chemotherapy

The Side Effects of Chemotherapy

The standard treatment for all types of cancer is chemotherapy, where medications are given to kill the fast-growing cancer cells. This treatment is strong and effective, but it also affects the healthy cells in the body and has several side effects. Almost all patients face the main side effects of cancer treatments during and after chemotherapy. This article looks at the main side effects of chemotherapy for cancer treatment:

A weakened immunity
Chemotherapy also kills healthy immune cells, leading to a weakened immunity in the patient. When the immune system becomes weak, the patient is exposed to the risk of developing infections and illnesses.
Those undergoing cancer treatment are likely to fall ill frequently, and they are likely to catch infections easily because of weakened immunity. A healthy diet, taking supplements, and taking precautions against infections can help resolve this.

Hair loss
The most common side effect of chemotherapy is hair loss as the treatment also destroys hair follicles. This leads to hair fall, but this side effect is temporary, and the hair grows back in 3 to 10 months of the completion of the treatment.

Digestive issues
Chemotherapy medications can affect healthy cells all over the body, including in the digestive system, and this can affect the smooth working of the digestive system. A common side effect is diarrhea, and some people also face constipation. Diet plays an important role, and the intake of sufficient water and herbal teas can help to soothe the digestive system.

Breathing problems
The lung cells can be affected during chemotherapy, and the medications can affect the smooth working of the lungs and the airways. This can lead to difficulties in breathing and cause wheezing, coughing, chest pain, and congestion. Medication to relieve breathing problems can be helpful.

Bruising and bleeding
Since chemo drugs kill off a lot of healthy cells as well, it can affect the blood platelets. Prolonged chemotherapy can reduce one’s blood platelet count. This leads to bruising and bleeding as the platelets usually control bleeding by helping form blood clots. Due to the reduced platelet count, a patient can develop bruises easily, and bleeding increases.
It is important to be safe and prevent falling or any situation that can cause bruising. Extra care needs to be taken while shaving to prevent cuts, and hard brushing should be avoided as it may also cause bleeding in the gums. Medication may be taken to manage this side effect.

Understanding how to manage these main side effects of cancer treatment through chemotherapy is helpful for cancer patients. Following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and taking plenty of rest to give the body time to recuperate helps deal with the side effects of the procedure and prevent further illnesses and infections more effectively. Also, knowing what to expect during or after chemotherapy helps manage the mentioned, as well as any other, side effects.
