Botox as a Treatment for Bladder Problems

Botox as a Treatment for Bladder Problems

Botox has long been stigmatized for being a superficial cosmetic treatment, but little do people know that it has lots of uses for other problems too. This article on Botox as a treatment for specific health conditions explains its use in treating bladder problems such as urinary incontinence and overactive bladder.

Bladder problems
Problems related to the urinary bladder can be extremely difficult to deal with as they not only lead to constant discomfort but also cause a lot of embarrassment. People suffering from this condition suffer from a frequent urge to urinate, leaking of urine, and difficulty in controlling urination. These lead to them cutting down on socializing, barely traveling, and isolating themselves, which then results in even more problems.

What is urge incontinence?
It is estimated that 17% of men and up to 11% of men experience this problem. Urge incontinence is a condition where the bladder muscles contract involuntarily, causing leakage of urine. This happens suddenly and can be very embarrassing. Other symptoms of this condition include urinating frequently and having to wake up multiple times in the middle of the night to urinate.
Since the problem occurs due to the bladder muscles, Botox can be helpful. The injections given to the bladder muscles help them to relax, providing relief to the symptoms.

What is an overactive bladder?
Overactive bladder is a condition where the bladder nerves and muscles are overstimulated. As a result, urine is not passed completely. This can cause repeated urges to urinate and lead to constant visits to the bathroom, disrupting normal life. It can also lead to difficulty in controlling urination. The person facing this problem would find it difficult to hold back urine and has to use the toilet immediately. If a toilet is not available, then they may face problems with urine leakage or uncontrolled urination.
This is a major problem, which can cause severe discomfort and embarrassment. One has to constantly be on edge and it severely restricts mobility. The nature of this condition is also such that it cannot be spoken about easily in lots of circles, leading to further shame. While there are medications to treat this an overactive bladder, they are not always successful and have side effects.
Botox can be very helpful in treating an overactive bladder as it calms the nerves and muscles around it. The treatment can be taken in the form of tablets, patches, or liquids.

Using Botox for treatment of specific health conditions
For urinary incontinence, the doctor will inject Botox via a small telescope known as a cystoscope. They will inject approximately 100-300 units of Botox into the bladder walls. The procedure is not a very long one and is performed under local or general anesthesia. It is an outpatient procedure.
In the case of overactive bladder, the treatment is done through injections. The injection is given to the bladder muscle and the patient is required to wait a while after the procedure. They also need to wait until they feel the urge to urinate as this period allows the doctor to observe is there has been any problems with the medication.

Workings of Botox
Botox works on the bladder muscles by blocking nerve signals. This makes the muscles relax and helps the person to control urination better. The effects last for around 6 months after which it may need to be given again, making Botox an effective treatment for specific health conditions.
