A Look at the Main Types of Ulcers

A Look at the Main Types of Ulcers

Ulcers are painful sores or wounds that can be chronic. They can appear anywhere on the skin and within the stomach, intestine, and its various parts. Some ulcers are more dangerous than others as they have the potential to cause serious infections and other complications if not treated.

There are quite a few main types of ulcers you can develop due to multiple causes, here are a few of them given below.

Venous ulcers
These ulcers are different from arterial ulcers that develop due to damaged arteries caused by a lack of blood flow. Venous ulcers are the result of vein damage caused by an insufficient backflow of blood to the heart.

In other words, when the veins in your legs cannot push back the blood back to the heart, it stagnates and builds pressure. When this is left untreated, pressure and excess fluid build up in the area and lead to an open sore or an ulcer.

Symptoms of venous ulcers
Among the main types of ulcers, venous ulcers symptoms include the following:

  • Swelling and aching in the area
  • Itchy and hardened skin
  • Dark stained skin in the affected area
  • Scaling and flaking skin
  • Discharge
  • Inflammation

Causes of venous ulcers

  • Varicose veins
  • High blood pressure
  • Fractures or injuries
  • Heart failure
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Deep vein thrombosis

In most cases, antibiotics are given to treat the underlying causes of venous ulcers. However, a successful treatment also requires compression therapy. This includes the application of a compression bandage over the affected area. The pressure encourages blood flow and treats the symptoms.

Genital ulcers
It’s another chronic condition among the main types of ulcers that can be extremely troublesome. These are sores that develop anywhere on the genitals, including the vagina, vulva, penis, scrotum, perineum, and even the anus. There will be lumps and bumps in and around these areas that can be itchy, painful, and sensitive to the touch. They also produce a discharge that doesn’t go away easily.

Symptoms of genital ulcers
The most common symptoms of genital ulcers consist of the following:

  • Pain and discomfort
  • Itchiness with the appearance of rashes
  • A leaky fluid or a discharge
  • Difficulty urinating or painful urination
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Fever and chills

Possible causes of genital ulcers
A genital ulcer is one of the main types of ulcers predominantly caused by sexually transmitted diseases. However, there are other causes, including the ones given below:

  • Genital herpes
  • Genital warts
  • Fungal infections like yeast infections
  • Viral and bacterial infections
  • Inflammatory or autoimmune diseases
  • Chronic rubbing and scratching of the genitals
  • An unpleasant reaction to skincare products
  • Inflammation of the vulva or the vagina
  • Ingrown hairs

While these main types of ulcers are not always under our control, maintaining good hygiene goes a long way in preventing them from developing. Keep the area clean and dry and avoid using harsh products on more sensitive areas like the inner thighs. Change undergarments often and immediately after a workout.

To get relief from ulcers, you can fill a bathtub with baking soda and a mild saline solution to lukewarm water and soak yourself in it.
