Common Types of Anemia

Common Types of Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which there is a decreased production of red blood cells in the body. There are about 400 types of anemia, which are categorized under three major groups such as:

  • Anemia caused due to blood loss
  • Anemia caused due to reduced production of red blood cells
  • Anemia caused due to the destruction of red blood cells.

This article will take you through the main types of anemia from bone marrow and stem cell problems. This condition falls under anemia caused due to reduced production of red blood cells category. Patients suffering from these conditions fail to generate adequate red blood cells and most often, the healthy red blood cells are destroyed, dysfunctioned or overshadowed by cancer or other cells.

Main types of anemia from bone marrow and stem cell problems

Aplastic anemia: This main type of anemia occurs when there is low production of stem cells. It could be a genetic or medical condition which damages the bone marrow during treatment for cancer such as radiation, chemotherapy or overdosage of drugs. Sometimes aplastic anemia is also caused due to infections.

Thalassemia: This condition occurs when the hemoglobin formation is incorrect. This is one of the main types of anemia that is a genetic disorder passed down from ancestors. Individuals of African, Mediterranean, Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern descent are more prone to it. It is treatable with proper medications to avoid further life-threating complications. Cooley’s anemia is the most severe form of this type.

Iron-deficiency anemia: The lack of mineral iron in the body leads to iron-deficiency anemia. Iron is an important component for the bone marrow to produce hemoglobin, which plays an important part in carrying oxygen to various organs in the body. This deficiency is caused by the following factors:

  • Inadequate intake of iron content. This often occurs in children, teens, infants, vegan and vegetarians
  • Intake of iron-suppressing drugs, food or drinks
  • It also could be due to an underlying condition of the digestive disorder called Crohn’s disease
  • Surgery to remove a small part of the stomach or intestine
  • Excessive blood donation
  • Neglecting iron supplements when pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Longer workouts
  • Menstruation

Sickle cell anemia: This condition is uncommon and in it, the red blood cells of the infected individuals are crescent-shaped instead of the normal round shape. This condition is a genetic disorder. These crescent-shaped blood cells break down easily while transporting oxygen to various organs. This leads to the failed delivery of oxygen to organs, resulting in anemia. The blood vessels are often blocked by the crescent-shaped vessels, causing severe pain.

Vitamin-deficiency anemia: This condition is caused due to an inadequate supply of vitamin B12 and folate. These two vitamins play a vital role in the formation of red blood cells. The cause of this main type of anemia are:

Inadequate supply of nutrients to the body. Often, vegetarians are more prone to it as they do not eat meat, which is one of the main sources of vitamin B12.

It also occurs in individuals with reduced intake of fresh vegetables.
