Healthy Drinks for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Healthy Drinks for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal disorder that interferes with the normal functions of the large intestine (colon). Symptoms experienced by people with IBS are abdominal pain or cramp, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. There are multiple factors that can lead to this condition but stress and unhealthy food habits are often the causes of IBS. Although there is no cure for the condition, some dietary and lifestyle changes can help in improving the symptoms. There are certain dietary tips IBS patients can follow to manage it better and given below are some healthy drink ideas that meet those terms.

Fresh fruit juices
It is a good move to include fresh fruit juices into your diet. A great source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, drinking fresh fruit juices helps in reducing gastrointestinal problems and regulating bowel movements. Juices made of banana, grapes, oranges, and pear can help in reducing IBS symptoms especially.

Vegetable juices
One of the best dietary tips IBS patients can follow is drinking fresh vegetable juices, as the insoluble fiber present in them manages the disorder’s symptoms. Phytonutrients present in the vegetable juices are easy to digest and soothe the intestine. Remember that you should begin by consuming juices of vegetables with low FODMAP ingredients (foods with high carbohydrates) as high-carb foods might trigger the IBS symptoms.

Consumption of adequate water is one of the top dietary tips IBS patients need to adhere to. Not only does it help in the digestion process but it also dissolves toxic waste and helps in flushing them out from the body’s system. Dehydration can cause severe constipation, so one should consume plenty of water to avoid this from happening.

Diary-free milk
Avoiding milk and milk products is wise if you suffer from the condition as they contain lactose. Lactose found in milk is considered to trigger IBS symptoms. Almond milk and rice milk are great alternatives for people with IBS who love to drink milk.

Herbal tea
Caffeine present in tea can irritate bowel movements in people with IBS, so one can opt for decaffeinated tea like green tea and white tea. Another option for hot beverages is herbal tea. Fennel, anise, peppermint, and chamomile tea are a great option too as these herbal teas help in maintaining the bowel movements, reduce inflammation, and relieve IBS symptoms. Consuming ginger tea also helps in reducing inflammation in the stomach, helps in the digestion process, and helps in relaxing abdominal cramps.

Including probiotic drinks is one of the great dietary tips IBS patients can follow. Gut bacteria found in probiotics help in reducing abdominal pain, bloating, irregular bowel movements, and promote better digestion.

Avoid soda
Drinks with carbonated soda are to be avoided by people with IBS as these drinks contain gas, which might cause bloating and abdominal pain. Carbonated drinks contain caffeine and also have high sugar content, so it is better to avoid such beverages.

All in all, by making certain lifestyle changes, exercising, managing stress and following the above dietary tips, IBS patients can live a more comfortable life.
