Effective Treatment Methods for Oral Cancer

Effective Treatment Methods for Oral Cancer

Oral cancer includes cancer of the tongue, lips, cheek, pharynx, and other parts of the mouth can be fatal if not diagnosed in time. It is slightly easier to diagnose than other types of cancer since the symptoms, such as swelling of the lips, bumps on the tongue, unexplained bleeding in the mouth, are easily visible. The type of treatment depends on the location of the tumor and how far it has spread. The article given below talks about surgery for oral cancer, which is one of the most common treatment methods for the condition.

Surgery as a treatment method for oral cancer
In cases of early detection of oral cancer before it spreads to other parts of the body, surgery helps combat the issue. In certain cases, surgery is also performed to treat oral cancer in advanced stages. Depending on the conditions and other factors, the method may be combined with other therapies to enhance effectiveness. Contemporary surgical methods to treat oral cancer don’t cause disfigurement and hardly show signs of change.

The top surgical treatment methods for oral cancer are as follows:

  • Tumor resection
    Along with the entire tumor, some healthy tissues surrounding it are also removed. It’s primarily performed to completely eliminate the possibility of cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body. Small tumors are removed via the mouth and large or difficult-to-reach ones are removed through an incision made in the neck or the jawbone.
  • Full or partial mandible (jawbone) resection
    Mandibulectomy or mandibular resection is performed to remove a tumor that has spread into the jawbone. Depending on X-ray results, only a small part of or the entire jawbone is removed. If there is cancer present in the jawbone, the entire jawbone should be removed.
  • Mohs micrographic surgery
    This surgical treatment method for oral cancer consists of removing the tumor in thin slices. It’s usually performed for cancer of the lips and, every slice is carefully examined to detect cancer cells. This surgery spares the removal of healthy tissues and prevents changes in appearance.
  • Glossectomy
    This procedure to treat oral cancer involves the removal of the tongue. However, it depends on the size of the disease and its intensity. If its very small, only that portion is removed. The entire tongue is removed only when the tumor is very large.
  • Laryngectomy
    It’s a major oncology procedure performed to remove the voice box with the tumor. It is opted for when the tumor has grown completely on the tongue and in the oropharynx. It’s a complex procedure where tissues needed for swallowing are removed. To then avoid the food from entering the windpipe and reaching the lungs, causing pneumonia, laryngectomy is performed. This procedure attaches the windpipe to a hole made in the skin of the neck. There are advanced techniques available to restore voice capabilities.
  • Maxillectomy
    Among all treatment methods for oral cancer, a maxillectomy removes the hard palate or the front of the roof of your mouth. You will be recommended a special denture to fill the space created due to the surgery. A specialized dentist will customize a prosthetic for your mouth.
  • Neck dissection
    Oral cancer can spread to the neck via the lymph nodes. This surgery helps remove the nodes in the neck. Depending on the severity and the size, a few or all the lymph nodes are removed.
