6 Habits That Improve Credit Score

6 Habits That Improve Credit Score

The mantra to maintaining a good credit score cannot be simpler than ensuring timely payment of bills and choosing wisely when using your credit card for any type of purchase. Improving your credit score requires lifestyle changes that need to be followed diligently over time to effectuate change in your ability to borrow more at a low-interest rate.

It is always better to start with something small and gradually move up the ladder of debt repayment. Listed below are some ways to inculcate habits that can help you if you’re looking for an answer to the question of “how to improve a bad credit score”:

Analyze credit reports periodically
Everyone is allowed one free report every year from the three credit reporting agencies: TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. A requisition of credit scores on any of these platforms does not affect your score, and any mistakes and obsolete or false information can be challenged. If these issues are fixed, your credit score will automatically improve. Keep in mind that piling up of false charges over the years can lead to an abysmal credit score, so you must go through your credit reports carefully.

Remember the due dates for bill payments
You can place constant reminders, both online and in calendars, so that you are aware of an approaching bill payment. This can help you sort your finances in advance to pay off the said bill, and the timely bill payments is a helpful answer to the question of “how to improve a bad credit score.”

Make multiple payments during a billing cycle
Paying off bills every fortnight as opposed to every month can be beneficial as it reduces your credit utilization, which is the amount you borrow as compared to how much you can afford to borrow. The lower your credit utilization, the better your credit score.

Avoid opening a new line of credit
A new line of credit can increase your credit limit, but it also affects your credit score adversely. This can be especially harmful if done multiple times in short periods.

Prioritize a credit card to pay off first
If your debt arises out of multiple credit cards, it bodes well to pay off the ones with the higher debt. In that case, credit cards that are “maxed out” should receive higher attention as it helps lower your credit utilization rate and will definitely reflect favorably on your credit scores.

Communicate with creditors
Another tip to help you answer the question of “how to improve a bad credit card” is to communicate with your creditors. If there is a lapse in repayment, you should get in touch with the creditors in order to work out a payment plan. This form of action can, in turn, ensure that non-payment does not necessarily have a lasting effect on the credit scores. This can be exercised as an option of last resort.
